Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Value Of Tradition And Culture - 1805 Words

Value of Tradition and Culture The life cycle of the people represents important values of tradition that exist in their culture. No matter the race or where the person is from, it seems to live within a specific tradition, customs, and morals. Values exist in all cultures, and are passed down from generation to generation. One’s tradition and culture are very beneficial because it offers many positive effects and by helping construct the persons’ sense of self-identity. As well as, holding a community/family together that supports one another through difficult problems and moments of happiness. However, traditions might also cause negative effects because harmful traditions still exist. It exists in many different forms that can create damage in the persons’ life by holding them back from success. Most likely, imposing them to limitations. A positive value that tradition provides is a sense of creating self-identity. Tradition plays many significant roles in lif e by reflecting the personality or view of the person. It also provides a close inspection of their culture. For example, the author in â€Å"The Way to Rainy Mountain† N. Scott Momaday, seems to describe his life as a man who left his family’s homeland to make his own, but always had a strong relationship with his grandmother. Momaday describes the sense of self-identity by connecting his essay about his family history. He reveals his emotions into his grandmother’s death when he stated, â€Å"Although my grandmother livedShow MoreRelatedCulture Is It Anyway, Culture, Values, Attitudes, And Traditions902 Words   |  4 PagesCulture has been defined as the knowledge, values, attitudes, and traditions that guide the behavior of a group of people and allow them to solve the problems of living in their environment. 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